Jasnovidni Otroci Nove Dobe (INDIGO)
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- This topic has 75 odgovorov, 9 glasov, and was last updated 8 years, 4 months nazaj by
19. 4. 2014 ob 22:39 #23757
kaj je to kakšen eksperiment …so se majčkeno igrali …*************************************drugače pa to je bilo napisano …Leta 1990 so iz Severne Karoline v ZDA poročali o fantku, ki se je rodil s popolnoma črnimi očmi. Fant je danes že odrasel in pravi, da se ga ljudje izogibajo in celo bojijo pogledati v oči. Zaradi tega ne dobi službe, tudi dekleta ne, družba se ga izogiba. Učiteljica je o njem zapisala, da je tako, kot če bi gledal smrti v oči. Zgodba dečka pa ni osamljena. O naslednjem črnookem novorojenčku so poročali štiri leta kasneje, do danes pa so našteli že 208 primerov, od tega se jih je 100 rodilo v letu 2011 (za leto 2012 še ni podatkov). Število otrok z zastrašujočim pogledom torej strmo narašča, nihče pa ne ve, zakaj imajo ti otroci vsi po vrsti bledo polt in preveč pigmenta v očeh, kar se kaže v res zastrašujočem pogledu. Nekateri že svarijo, da gre za Nezemljane, medicina še koleba, kako bi ta pojav razložila, črnooki ljudje pa imajo vse več težav pri vključevanju v družbo. Kot kaže, jih bomo sami naredili za izobčence.7D..vir.strelka2014-04-19 22:49:50
21. 4. 2014 ob 18:47 #23789glas
Participantstrelka wrote: ]Glas tvoja razlaga me spominja na en film ..Indigo , kjer ima glavno vlogo deklica z nenavadnimi sposobnostmi . In se povezuje s somišljeniki na mreži …
ta mreža je prikazana kot pajkova mreža nekaj podobnoge in to deklica upodablja, ko riše slike.Najbrž je mišljeno to kar ti govoriš .4D .
je pa res bil film …novodobna vsebina.
evo insert tega filma
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPQmexmOrAsnavezavi s tem filmom je tudi en dokumentarec v dosegu na youtube, ki mislim, da ga ima preko tudi Neal Donald Walsch..
The Indigo Evolution Full Length Documentary Indigo children
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
28. 4. 2014 ob 10:56 #23913glas
ParticipantChildren with strange gene mutation found to possess ‘super’ immunity to viruses
”While the scientific community is stumped on why this is happening, those in the spiritual communities know that these are indigo and crystal children who are being born into this world with advanced DNA and abilities. Exciting days ahead!”
članek: http://www.naturalnews.com/044892_super_immunity_gene_mutation_viruses.html
glas2014-04-28 11:00:24
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
8. 6. 2014 ob 11:17 #24543glas
ParticipantOver the last 20 years, teachers and child development specialists have reported a dramatic change in the children they deal with.
These newer children grow up faster both physically and mentally. They tackle problems and school subjects in often unconventional ways and possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural abilities, such as telepathy.
These are the ‘New Children’.In recent decades, there has been much interest in the New Children, from both scientific and spiritual perspectives. Some argue they are here to assist humanity in a transition to a higher consciousness
They despise violence and instead lean toward compassion for suffering and misfortune. They often have a fascination with space and many feel a connection to other worlds. The New Children are also referred to as Star, Indigo, Rainbow or Crystal children, and these names are related to the colour in their auras, which are connected with the Third Eye’s frequency. Some believe the purpose of the New Children is to help the planet evolve spiritually by moving away from greed, corruption, and competition into a new way of living comprised of love, integrity, and cooperation. Experts and authors Lee Carroll and Jan Tober believe the supernatural children represent “perhaps the most exciting, albeit odd, change in basic human nature that has ever been observed and documented”. According to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober the New Children are most often devoted to making people wake up to their highest and best potential, and often try to show others that the old systems of schooling, governance, parenting, and healthcare are not healthy and must change. Many professionals, child specialists and spiritual leaders believe the New Children phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species, and they are here to show us the way as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.
The New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Childrenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zybhnGPpNQQ is a short documentary on the new generation of children known for their abilities. The documentary touches on both scientific and theoretical aspects of the topic. Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/08/super-psychic-kids-are-they-here-to-change-the-world.html
The New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
30. 10. 2014 ob 20:57 #26802glas
ParticipantTuning In To The Needs Of Indigo Children
It is fascinating to be alive at this time of transformation on planet Earth. One of the best indicators of change within the human consciousness toward a higher level of being is the essence of the Indigo child. These children are different from most children in the way that they act and the way they deal with life. Indigo children are here to show humanity how to live in unconditional love and to anchor these higher vibrational energies into the planet.
Nancy Ann Tappe, author of the book “Understanding Your Life Through Color”, studied the auric field labeled indigos for their indigo colored aura. The aura is the electromagnetic energy field that the human body carries, and an indigo color indicates traits of master communicators that are highly intelligent and intuitive with a passion for peace and truth. Indigos are balanced in the heart and the head.
Doctors tend to say there is no such thing as Indigo children, and many Indigo children have been Tuning in to the Needs of Indigo Children | In5D.comerroneously diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. Living with the societal pressures of medical diagnoses is just one of the challenges of the Indigo child today.
Characteristics of an Indigo
– Most Indigos were born in 1978 or later, although some adults carry the Indigo traits.
– Indigos are highly intuitive- they know what feels right to them and anything else is disruptive to their system.
– These children have food sensitivities and may be very picky.
– They may have imaginary friends or see spirits: “dead” people, guides, angels, and/or extraterrestrial beings.
– Indigos are very empathetic- they are sensitive to the feelings of others and sometimes pick them up and carry these energies with them. They are feelers rather than thinkers most of the time.
– These children have a natural resistance to rigid rules and guidelines and deem them archaic. They are here at this time to bring the energies necessary for a consciousness shift and therefore do not fit into the strict left brained thinking and control. They have an innate “ knowingness” and resist untruths.
– Some Indigos have telepathic abilities and can speak to other spirits in other dimensions.
– These children carry a vibration of harmony and therefore do not feel comfortable in the denseness of today’s world.
– They have a tendency to be anti-social and prefer to spend time alone or in fantasy play.
– Indigos do not think in linear fashion, but rather holographically which is a reflection of higher intelligence. They are “plugged in” to their higher selves.
– Is fascinated with and easily bonds with plants, animals, and crystals.
– An indigo child bores easily and is sometimes fidgety or over excitable.video: CNN surprisingly did an informative segment on Indigo Children in 2010
What can you do to support Indigo Children?
Recognizing the traits and actions of Indigo children will allow for an understanding of ways to help make them more comfortable and happy kids. The following are ways to support an Indigo child:
– Allow their perceived eccentricities.
– Stare deep into their eyes with a knowingness of unconditional love and understanding. Tell them telepathically “thank you” and that everything is ok.
– Introduce them to other indigo children or psychically gifted children. If this is not possible, provide a metaphysical and spiritual environment and allow creativity such as painting, music, dancing, or writing.
Tuning in to the Needs of Indigo Children | In5D.com- Allow past life recall and dream interpretation conversations to take place as if they were normal conversation.
– Keep them off of Ritalin and other prescribed ADD or ADHD medications, and keep them from being vaccinated. These drugs keep them from expressing and doing what they are here to do on the first place.
– Feed them organic, live foods and make sure they are not exposed to harsh chemicals such as fluoride in the water. Many children are allergic to chemicals in pesticides commonly found in food and tap water.
– Guard against harsh people or aggressive children and nurture loving relationships. The indigo child will be the one to show what works and what doesn’t. Pay attention to those who can have a special, magical time with your child and encourage this time as much as possible.
– Turn off the television most of the time, as the programming is too fast paced and harsh. Shows about animals and nature can help to calm them down in high stress situations.
– Allow the transmutation of emotions through crying and laughing. Sometimes Indigo children will cry at the drop of a hat seemingly without reason. When the child gets old enough to understand, it is helpful to teach him or her to shield themselves with a bubble of light that will not allow other people’s energy into their aura field, which helps them to not be overly sensitive.
– Adopt a new way of parenting and schooling. If at all possible, overly sensitive and psychic children should be home schooled and often these kids will act out in school as a rebellion against wanting to be there. If home schooling is not an option, be active with the parent/teacher relationship and do not conform to state imposed classical standards of discipline.Remember- Indigo children chose their parents before they came into this incarnation, and an agreement was made to support them at this time, knowing they would bring the energies needed to the planet at the time of great denseness and subsequently great transformation.
However, just because a child has the characteristics and traits of an indigo child does not mean that they need to be placed upon a pedestal over other children or the parents. It simply means that they have different environmental needs and more metaphysical and spiritual capabilities than most children, although most children will also benefit from the Indigo Child’s environment.
…vir: http://www.bodymindsoulspirit.com/tuning-in-to-the-needs-of-indigo-children/
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
9. 11. 2014 ob 9:24 #26860glas
Participantindigo o indigo otrocih in Svetu
”Smo bitja (indigo/kristalna) ki smo prišli iz 6. do 13. dimenzije (ravni bivanja). Vstopili smo v 3. dimenzijo, kjer je naš namen sidrati 4. in 5. dimenzijo v Svet. Če nas zaprejo v učilnico in nas poskusijo učiti matematiko 2. dimenzije, medtem ko mi želimo delovati v 5. nastane majhen problem za nas..
Ampak vse kar se uči, bi moralo biti uporabno v vsakdanjem življenju, zato kar tam je naše delo, kjer moramo vsi zavihati rokave.
Od leta 2012 naprej sledi 50let intenzivne preobrazbe, spreminjale se bodo vse strukture, od političnih ekonomski, družbenih,.. Kasneje pa se bodo stvari začele organizirati same in kristalni, zlati in platinasti otroci bodo začeli organizirati nove strukture na zemlji od leta 2040-2050 in te strukture bodo izdelane tja do leta 2080 in takrat bo na Zemlja že v polnosti Nove Dobe, ki ji rečemo tudi obdobje Vodnarja.”Matias De Stefano
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
9. 11. 2014 ob 10:13 #26863tadej pretner
Moderatorglas wrote: indigo o indigo otrocih in Svetu
”Smo bitja (indigo/kristalna) ki smo prišli iz 6. do 13. dimenzije (ravni bivanja). Vstopili smo v 3. dimenzijo, kjer je naš namen sidrati 4. in 5. dimenzijo v Svet. Če nas zaprejo v učilnico in nas poskusijo učiti matematiko 2. dimenzije, medtem ko mi želimo delovati v 5. nastane majhen problem za nas..
Ampak vse kar se uči, bi moralo biti uporabno v vsakdanjem življenju, zato kar tam je naše delo, kjer moramo vsi zavihati rokave.
Od leta 2012 naprej sledi 50let intenzivne preobrazbe, spreminjale se bodo vse strukture, od političnih ekonomski, družbenih,.. Kasneje pa se bodo stvari začele organizirati same in kristalni, zlati in platinasti otroci bodo začeli organizirati nove strukture na zemlji od leta 2040-2050 in te strukture bodo izdelane tja do leta 2080 in takrat bo na Zemlja že v polnosti Nove Dobe, ki ji rečemo tudi obdobje Vodnarja.”Matias De Stefano
Čist osebno mnenje:
Kar se mene tiče, je v zvezi z indigo otroci kup klasičnega ezoteričnega nakladanja in gre v resnici za naraven pojav, ki je povezan tudi z žitnimi krogi.
Obstajajo dokazi, da se je val žitnih krogov pojavil že pred cca 3000 leti.
Kakšno vezo imajo z indigo otroci?
V strokovnih virih je moč prebrati, da prehaja naše osončje prek dela kozmosa, kjer prevladujejo očna torzijska polja in da vplivajo na mutacije ogljika v nas, kar vpliva na razširjeno percepcijo. Posledice – takšneli otroci, vedno več nenavadnih/energijskih videnj pri odraslih, vedno bolj polne ludnice (pri vsem skupaj prihaja do “mešanja” čutov, kar vodi pri ljudeh, ki niso dovolj “prisotni”, v shizofrenijo. A to še ni vse. Ta torzijska polja vplivajo na morfična polja, ki so zunanje organizacijske sile, ki vplivajo na kreacijo vsega materialnega – v domeni kreacije živih bitij jim pravimo morfogenetska polja. Delujejo po pravilih svete geometrije (ne le vključevanje Platonskih oblik v kreacije, ampak masovno vključevanje zlatega reza). Mislim torej, da so žitni krogi posledica vpliva torzijskih polj na morfična polja in njihove geometrijske zakonitosti, ki se nato odrazijo v krogih polnih geometrijskih likov in totalka močne energije, vse skupaj pa seveda v smislu percepcije vpliva predvsem na tiste otroke, ki se rodijo s precej integriranega svetlobnega telesa v sistem. Vse ostale zgodbe o nekih ne vem kakšnih dimenzijah pa so verjetno nakladanje.
Gre seveda zgolj za moje mnenje, ki ni nujno pravilno
- Za objavo odgovora morate biti prijavljeni.