prepovedana arheologija
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- This topic has 13 odgovorov, 3 glasovi, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months nazaj by
7. 10. 2014 ob 21:11 #26605
Članstrelka wrote: omenjeno je bilo krogle postavljene v stožec….posledično preprečitev udara strele.
Zakaj?Zakaj naj ne bi v tisti stožec udarila strelaOz preprečitve tega?
Ponavadi tja kjer udarja strela …je področje z veliko železove rude npr …nekaj takega …vem da so ljudje skladali kamne …zaradi simbola …tko v hribih je kje tako postavljeno ..nikjer ni bilo rečeno da zaradi strele …ampak bolj simbolično .al pa označitev določenega mesta …ja tud določenih točk …To zgodbo so nam pač prodali. Pojma nimam, zakaj naj bi kamni zloženi v stožec preusmerjali strele. Še manj bi mi bilo logično, da bi v tistih brdih postavljali neke oznake, ki dišijo po Tibetu. Ni, da bi se tam izgubil. Je pa res, da je blizu Zenica.
7. 10. 2014 ob 22:10 #26606strelka
ParticipantJe res, niso samo v Tibetu, so tudi pri nas. Če se hodi v visokogorje to tudi najde.
Ponavadi so jih postavljali za smerokaze, za označitev poti .Ali pa za čaščenje bogov …Slovani , npr za čaščenje boga Peruna , ki pa ima veze z zgoraj ..s strelo.
Me pa zanima zakaj , je res delovala?Zato vprašanje.Će so to delali so najbrž zaradi nekega razloga. Če je kdo kaj meril tam v današnjem času ..kaj vem fiziki al pa kdo drug , na tak način sem vprašanje zastavila.strelka2014-10-08 08:31:36
14. 12. 2014 ob 0:05 #27285glas
ParticipantThe great Smithsonian cover up: 18 giant skeletons discovered in Wisconsin/
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
4. 5. 2015 ob 16:35 #28856glas
ParticipantMiljone let se že dogaja marsikaj, ja prav na Zemlji mislim.. zadnjih 5000 let sploh ni bilo najbolj zanimivo tu, kot bi nas radi prepričali..
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
25. 5. 2015 ob 19:15 #29024glas
Unquestionably not a hoax, the map is certifiably authentic, but the information on the map is of mysterious origin. Piri Reis himself notes that the map was drawn from information sourced from other, older maps, charts and logs, many of which, Hapgood suggests, may have been copied and transcribed repeatedly since before the destruction of the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, which wiped out the literature of antiquity and vast cultural knowledge.
This hypothesis opens the door to the possibility that some forgotten ancient civilization had the capacity to voyage to the Antarctic, charting the earth, with the technology to make maps, sometime before the ice caps formed. A significant departure from our present understanding of our history.
The absence of the ice caps in the Piri Reis map is peculiar, and in 1960 Hapgood brought his theories on this to the attention of the United States Air Force. Hapgood asked, among other things, if the shape of the continent, as it appeared on the Piri Reis map, was at all similar to the shape of the continent under the ice, as revealed by recent Air Force testing of seismic data on the continent. Their answer was astonishing:
“…the geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.
This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap.
The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick.
”Had the entire Earth already been mapped by 4000BC, by a civilization that has been forgotten, as analysis of the Piri Reis map and the theories of Charles Hapgood suggest?”
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
27. 8. 2015 ob 18:52 #29968glas
Participant25. 9. 2015 ob 22:27 #30218glas
Participant“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
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