Dogodki za 21.12.'12 in onkraj..
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Duhovna rast › Dogodki za 21.12.'12 in onkraj..
- This topic has 27 odgovorov, 5 glasov, and was last updated 11 years, 8 months nazaj by glas.
17. 12. 2012 ob 11:40 #18090glasParticipant
Skupaj se bomo miljoni po vsem Svetu odprli
galaktičnemu prilivu na Zemljo in se bomo zavestno in obredno odprli temu, kaj že nekaj časa
čutimo, da prihaja.. v dnevih 20.,21.,22.,23. pa se bomo povezali z direktnim snopom, ki se bo
zgodil ob poravnavi planetov in našega Osončja z našo Galaksijo in se hote ali nehote
pridružili globalnemu dogodku vseh časov..Tukaj podajam še eno objavo iz poplave objav za globalno meditacijo: na 21.12.2012 so navajana ob različnih urah in tudi po časovnih pasovih..
Najpogostejša ura je 11:11, 12:11 in tudi mnogo drugih..“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
17. 12. 2012 ob 18:38 #18095glasParticipantVrjetno že veste, da poteka 21.dec. 1.vseslovenska vstaja, no tukaj pa se organizira še energetska protiutež in sicer sredi vsega đumbusa se nameravajo po sloveniji narediti meditacije..
In sicer:
Flash Mob Meditacija za Slovenijo, 21.12.2012, ob 18.50.Lokacije:
Ljubljana: ploščad Cankarjevega doma
Nova Gorica: ploščad med knjižnico in gledališčemVsi tisti, ki želite na miren način prispevati k demonstracijam, tisti,
ki meditirate ali pa si to samo želite, se nam priključite na 1.
vsesplošni meditaciji za Slovenijo.V meditacijo sedemo točno ob 18.50, 3-krat zapojemo OM in končamo ob 19.10 s 3-krat OM (OM naznani začetek meditacije).
S seboj prinesite podlogo za tla in dober namen za Slovenijo.
Delite z vsemi, ki želijo Sloveniji napredek, vsak posameznik šteje!
Meditacija enega človeka dokazano pomiri okolico v radiju 50 metrov. Več nas bo, dlje bomo segli!
… “
povezava za fb dogodek: je pa še ena stran WellBe kjer je objavljenih že nekaj organiziranih dogodkov za datum 21.12.2012..“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
18. 12. 2012 ob 6:14 #18104glasParticipantWORLD-WIDE at 11:11 am GMTMAKE THIS VIRAL!Video Day of the Contact: – thank you Smaly7!
It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world
in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as
individuals and couples, at the exact time of solstice, at the end of
the Mayan 5125 year cycle, on December 21st. On that day, a powerful
flash of energy from the Galactic Central Sun will reach the Earth and
trigger long lasting changes. Masses will gather on that day and invoke
the presence and intervention of our positive extraterrestrial Star
brothers and sisters that will assist us in the process of liberation of
our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first
time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as
free citizens of the Earth.Our mass effort on this day will
be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come
to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of
Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post
it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet,
you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local
group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a
video about this and post it on Youtube.The critical mass for
this activation to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide
actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration
skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass.But to read about it is one thing and actually participate is
completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to
actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in
your part of the world.We will all be doing this
activation at the same time, the moment of the winter/sommer solstice,
which comes on December 21st, 2012 at 11:11 am GMT. Exact times for
different time zones are:1:11 am HAST (Hawaii)
2:11 am AKST (Alaska)
3:11 am PST (Los Angeles)
4:11 am MST (Denver)
5:11 am CST (Houston)
6:11 am EST (New York)
9:11 am BRST (Rio de Janeiro)
11:11 am GMT (London)
12:11 pm CET (Paris)
1:11 pm SAST (South Africa)
1:11 pm EET (Bulgaria)
1:11 pm EET (Cairo)
3:11 pm MSK (Moscow)
4:41 pm IST (India)
7:11 pm CST (Beijing)
8:11 pm JST (Tokyo)
10:11 pm EDT (Sydney)If your place is not listed, you can find world time zones map here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
Connect with our main activation group on the Giza plateau in Egypt and
with many other groups worldwide so that we create One being in action.2. There are many ships of positive ET civilizations surrounding the
Earth, literally covering the sky in all locations and altitudes. Those
ships are not visible to the naked eye because they are cloaked so the
Cabal would not detect them. Choose a ship that is directly above your
location and connect energetically with beings within that ship in
whatever way works for you.3. Visualize a pilar of brilliant
white Light descending from the ship directly through your body to the
center of the Earth. Now invite that ship to descend, hover directly
above you and make contact with you in whatever way suitable. Ask the
beings in that ship to assist humanity in the liberation process. Make
an unconditional decision for Disclosure and First Contact and
communicate this to them. If 144,000 of us do that, great things are
possible!4. You might get a strong energy response, but be
prepared that any form of physical contact may happen as well. Stay in
Oneness with beings from that ship for some time.If you wish
to take the contact with your chosen ship to a more advanced level, you
can use CE-5 protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer. To receive
instructions, you can join a CE-5 group here:
a) The date of this activation (December 21st) is likely NOT the date when the Event will be taking place
b) The date of this activation (December 21st) is NOT the date when the
official First Contact / Mass Landings will be taking placec)
The date of this activation (December 21st) is absolutely NOT the date
when any of the negative scenarios (polar shift, catastrophic Earth
changes, two suns, any major Cabal’s flase flag events, etc) will be
taking placeAdditional information about the time of completion before December 21st:
On December 12th, nine days before the end of the cycle, another portal
will open. The portal of 12:12:12 is the final portal of synthesis and
integration of all our lifetimes on Earth and a necessary preparation
for our main activation on December 21st. On that day, an important
victory of the Light forces will be achieved. All details about that
victory are still classified as of now. December 12th is a very good day
to join any of mass meditation groups around the planet as this will
prepare you more for December 21st.On December 12th, asteroid
4179 Toutatis will pass quite close to Earth. The passage of this
asteroid will trigger the energy of synthesis and will NOT produce any
cataclysmic events:Time period between December 17th and December 21st is the final
completion period. December 17th is the last major peak of the timewave
as you can see on this graph: 18th is the date every year when our physical Sun conjuncts
the Galactic Central Sun. This conjunction sends a powerful flash of
energy from the central Sun every year and it usually last a few days.
This year, it will be just a prelude to the main energy flash on the
21st.Interestingly, the time frame between December 17th and 21st is also the period of intense particle experiments at CERN: is the last desperate attempt of the Cabal to prevet the opening
of the Portal on December 21st. Needless to say, their attempt will NOT
be successful, in fact these experiments will give an additional boost
to the opening of the portal!If you look at the astrological
chart for December 21st, you will see a yod configuration pointing from
Saturn at 9 degrees Scorpio, Venus at 7 degrees Sagittarius and Pluto at
9 degrees Capricorn, towards Jupiter at 9 degrees Gemini. What is
significant with this yod configuration is that Venus is conjunct
Antares opposing Jupiter conjunct Aldebaran. Antares-Aldebaran axis is a
filament inside the Galactic network of Light which signifies the final
completion of the Galactic wars, end of duality and final victory of
the Light in this Galaxy. Together with Venus and Jupiter, this is a
very good sign for our planet on December 21st.“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
18. 12. 2012 ob 15:51 #18122glasParticipantZgornji dolgi post je uprizorjen v prijetni 8-minutni video povezavi
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
19. 12. 2012 ob 18:07 #18143glasParticipantNa internetnem radiu Awakening Zone bosta gosta oddaje:
Linda in Geoffrey Hoppe, soustanovitelja radia Awakening zone,
ustanovitelja Crimson Circle in medija za Adamus Saint-Germaina.
Vedno izjemno zanimiva sogovornika, z izjemno modrostjo in duhovitostjo..prenos bo danes ob 20:00h
Oddaja bo direkt prevajana v slovenski jezik..
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
19. 12. 2012 ob 21:53 #18148IrenaČlan20. 12. 2012 ob 13:06 #18157glasParticipantIrena wrote:
Hvala, glas, za priporočilo . Oddajo sem aktivno so-poslušala in stare blokade so šle away .Se mi danes kar poklapljajo podobne aktivnosti iz “vseh vetrov” . Pravzaprav zanimivoProsim, ni kaj..
Jaz sem ujel prvo četrtino in zadnjo stotino..
Prespani del pa me je nato čakal v obliki zapiskov, ki mi je v skrbi za mojo osveščenost beležila moja nežnejša polovica..“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
- Za objavo odgovora morate biti prijavljeni.