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Melchizedekove besede so vzete iz konteksta. Če poskusim na hitro povzeti njegov nauk; moško in žensko možgansko polovico deli na teoretično in praktično, logično in poskusno. Intuicija ni ne eno, ne drugo, res pa je da moška zapira/oži, medtem ko ženska odpira/širi, torej odpira pot tudi nadčutni zaznavi.

Iz knjige The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life:

…//the left side is male and the right side is female, and they are linked by the corpus callosum. According
to Thoth, this is the nature of these two hemispheres: The left, male component sees everything absolutely logically—as
it is, you might say. The right, female component is much more concerned with experiencing something than understanding it. The female and male perceptions are mirror images of each other—as if you had a mirror between them. If you had the word LOVE written into the male component, he would see it as shown. But the female sees its mirror image, also as shown. When the male looks at her way of perceiving, he says, “There’s no logic here.” She looks at him and says,“Where is the feeling?”
The brain is further divided into four lobes by another thin division. The male side of the brain has a component
behind it that reflects, or mirrors the front, as shown in Figure 4-3. There’s another mirror image behind the female side that reflects what’s in front of it. The male logical component has a totally experiential component behind it and the female experiential component has totally logical component behind it. It’s as if there are four mirrors reflecting each other in these four possible ways. When we look at the geometries later, you’ll see that the forward part in the male brain, the logical component, is based on the triangle and the square (in two dimensions) or the tetrahedron and the cube (in three dimensions). The forward part in the female brain, the experiential component,
is based on the triangle and the pentagon (in two dimensions) or the tetrahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron (in three dimensions). There are also diagonal pathways connecting the left-front logical to the back-right logical, and the right-front experiential to the back-left experiential. Thus the mirror quality
reflects side to side, front to back, and diagonal to diagonal. This is the way we’re made up, according to Thoth.

Nadaljno opisuje dva ločena, samostojna sistema čaker; poleg poznanega sistema sedmih/osmih čaker, govori tudi o Egipčanskem sistemu trinajstih, kjer sta srčni čakri dve. Tema se mi zdi preveč zakomplicirana, da bi jo predstavljal prek teksta, dodajam le sliko (Iz njegove druge knjige).

Kdor si želi izvedeti več o Melchizedeku, mu predlagam ogled kanala enega od njegovih fanov, ki je Drunvalove nauke zaobjel v risani seriji Spirit Science. Lušno!Clap

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