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Less than 1% of channeling in the world is real. Unpopular truth.

“Realize that less than one percent of all the channels on Earth are real. The majority are simply speaking through their own egos and calling it what they may.
And further, all channels, real or not, are extremely dangerous to follow because no one knows for sure who is really speaking. It takes time to know who is really speaking. Just because he says it is Lord Metatron does not mean that is who is speaking.
A channel opens themselves to the universe, which anyone, including you, can do, and it is like making a random phone call to anyone on Earth. The person who answers may tell you the truth of their real name or they may go along with you and say they are who you are asking for. And then, why would they know any more about a certain subject than anyone else? It is a real problem in the channeling world, and it is therefore extremely dangerous to believe them or to use their information.
Yes there are a few very important channels on Earth, such as Kryon, but you still have to be very, very careful before you accept something as true.
There was a small group from the Pleiades who entered our consciousness back in the 1980’s. They first contacted Billy Meyers and then several other channels. Everyone thought at first they were on our side. But then it became obvious to many that they were not. They had banded with the Greys and the Reptiles, and their sole purpose was to eliminate the human race. And you have to understand, these beings are vastly more intelligent than a human being and can appear in any manner that they want you to see them. Your belief in them means absolutely nothing.
And it is interesting that the method this Pleiadian group was using to separate humanity is almost identical to what is being used with (name deleted). They would go on and on about a subject and 99.9% of it was the truth. Almost anyone reading their statements would believe that it was the truth. They would continue with the truth until the heart of the audience is wide open, and then a deception would secretly take place. In the middle of a paragraph they would insert something that is definitely not true, but since you were agreeing with them on everything up to that moment, the human being simply allows it into the mind as true, even though it is not. To be clear, the purpose of doing this was to divide humanity so they could conquer.”

Drunvalo Melchizedek, Spirit of Maat


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“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”