Odgovori na: ENEAGRAMI
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Glejte kaj sem našla zanimivega. Na kratko – to je uradna predstavitev poizkusov s LSD in opis in diskusija leta 1967. Kaj se meni zdi zelo zanimivo, da so vzeli v razmislek in tudi NAVEDLI v dokumentu je opis religioznih in mističnih izkušenj iz različnega časa in religije, tako, da so opisali dejstva. Torej niso razlagali, ampak opisali in so dobili 9 zaključnih skupnih točk. Spodaj navajam v originalu:
1. <i>Unity</i> is a sense of cosmic oneness achieved through positive ego-transcendence. Although the usual sense of identity or ego fades away, consciousness and memory are not lost; instead, the person becomes very much aware of being part of a dimension much vaster and greater than himself. In addition to the route of the “inner world” where all external sense impressions are left behind, unity can also be experienced through the external world, so that a person reports that he feels a part of everything that is (e.g., objects, other people, nature or the universe), or, more simply, that “all is one.”
2. <i>Transcendence</i> <i>of time and space</i> means that the subject feels beyond past, present and future and beyond ordinary three-dimensional space in a realm of eternity or infinity.
3. <i>Deeply felt positive mood</i> contains the elements of joy, blessedness, peace and love to an overwhelming degree of intensity, often accompanied by tears.
4. <i>Sense of sacredness</i> is a non-rational, intuitive, hushed, palpitant response of awe and wonder in the presence of inspiring realities. The main elements are awe, humility and reverence, but the terms of traditional theology or religion need not necessarily be used in the description.
5. <i>The noetic quality</i>, as named by William James, is a feeling of insight or illumination that is felt on an intuitive, non-rational level and has a tremendous force of certainty and reality. This knowledge is not an increase in facts, but is a gain of insight about such things as philosophy of life or sense of values.
6. <i>Paradoxicality</i> refers to the logical contradictions that become apparent if descriptions are strictly analyzed. A person may realize that he is experiencing, for example, an “identity of opposites,” yet it seems to make sense at the time, and even afterwards.
7. <i>Alleged ineffability</i> means that the experience is felt to be beyond words, non-verbal, impossible to describe, yet most persons who insist on the ineffability do in fact make elaborate attempts to communicate the experience.
8. <i>Transiency</i> means that the psychedelic peak does not last in its full intensity, but instead passes into an afterglow and remains as a memory.
9. <i>Persisting</i> positive changes in attitudes and behavior are toward self, others, life and the experience itself.
Če prav razumem ENEAGRAME – to so ,,zaključki/obrazložitev/razumevanje (pač nevrološka povezava ,,obrazložitve,,),, konflikta s optimalnim stanjem zgoraj navedenih točk.
wau, kaj naj rečem, wau.