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  • #19464

    Hej …po moje jih naganjajo, nisem pa ziher….včasih sem uši špricala z milnico – ta jih ubija, so na listih od uši ostale samo črne pike… zdaj ko uporabljam pa koprive, jih sploh več ne vidim

    Lepo je če deliš

    Ceres wrote: … usi pa ne marajo mocnih zelisc. Samo lani sem med vrtnice dala meliso, meto, zajbelj, baziliko, pa so usi vseeno veselo malicale vrtnice.

    …koprive so proti ušem…namočiš, pošpricaš…se pa dobi tud prah za kupit – Koprivin

    Lepo je če deliš


    She`s a Rebel – Green Day

    Lepo je če deliš

    Irena wrote:

    Itak. Na naše štedilnike in roštilje ne bomo “vrgli” mesa – ta bo ostajal v trgovinah. Te ga ne bodo več naročale. Zmanjšali bodo proizvodnjo – in voda bo tekla Pig

    Thumbs Up

    …no pa še jaz nekaj pristavim:

    …ljudje se premalo zavedamo, da le nismo brez moči oz. vpliva. Vsak naj začne pri sebi…živeti bolj zavestno…razmišljati o tem kako živi, kaj počne..pol pa nardi kako pozitivno spremembo, ne?Smile …nenehno opozarjanje na to, da neke združbe ljudi kontrolirajo svet nas pa samo še bolj potiska v polje žrtve, pasivnosti…
    Lepo je če deliš

    Thumbs Up…tule pa iz nove SneguljčiceSmile:

    Lepo je če deliš

    SmileThumbs Up

    ….še malo o prejšnji pesmi:

    The song talks about freedom and happiness, it’s a poem of a fisherman and the sea. Also talks about the sky and the flowers, it’s a very beautiful song. Shimbalaiè is an african word means joy happiness contagious :)

    Besedilo v Angleščini:

    Peaceful comfort

    Shimbalaie, when i see the sun kissing the sea
    Shimbalaie, every time that he goes to sleep

    Nature, goddess of living
    Pure beauty of birth
    A flower shining in the light
    Fisherman between the sea and the hook

    Free thoughts like the sky
    Imagine a paper boat
    Going away to never return
    Going like Iemanja

    Chorus (2X)
    Shimbalaie, when i see the sun kissing the sea
    Shimbalaie, every time that he goes to sleep

    How long will it be to learn
    That a flower has life at birth
    That a flower shining in the light
    Fishing between the sea and the hook

    Chorus (2X)
    Shimbalaie, when i see the sun kissing the sea
    Shimbalaie, every time that he goes to sleep
    Being a captain of this world
    Able to roll without borders
    Live a year in seconds
    Appreciate dreams as more than silliness
    Become enchanted with books
    That speak about vanity
    When you like may it be needed
    Being able to tell the truth

    Chorus (4X)
    Shimbalaie, when i see the sun kissing the sea
    Shimbalaie, every time that he goes to sleep

    anja2012-07-22 14:59:17

    Lepo je če deliš

    Poletna pesmicaSmile

    Lepo je če deliš
Prikaz 1 prispevka (od skupno 520)