Prikaz 127 prispevka (od skupno 164)
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  • #12179

    čaw lubčki…

    janko tuki… seronja janko, če sm mal bl natančen

    zadnjič sem začel… z telimi kapljicami…

    itaq se mi je doza zdela zajebantsko skromna, ampak sem bil priden in se držal navodil…
    8xpo 3 kapljice… v osmih urah…
    če sem čist pošten… ni blo use u minutko točno… pa tut kšna kapljica je loh bla več, predvsem limone…
    dons je bil 5, al 6 dan, al 7… sej ne wem…
    ampak… učeri zvečer… ko sem glih gruntu, da bom resno pojaču dozo… se mi je začel mal vrtet… ampak… ta pa ja ni nč nouga… pa zgaga pečt… pa tut to ni blo prvič…ampak pol še neki po črevih krulit…
    da skrajšam… celo noč sem hodu driskat…
    in dons… sem zmanšu dozo na 2 kapljici Embarrassed pa je zaenkrat use uredu…
    pa še to…
    men sploh niso nagraužne… ble… ampak pr pjači pa res nkol nisem bil zbirčen… sploh, če ma efekte, ko veš, da si neki spil LOL
    zdej po parih dneh… pa se men tut že graužajo…Confused
    no ja… zdej k sm začel… bom spil, da se preč ne meče Tongue

    pol pa kukr vidim mal višje… še MMS2… sej bo tole kmal k mestece pejton LOL

    Lepo je če deliš

    janko wrote: čaw lubčki…

    da skrajšam… celo noč sem hodu driskat…
    in dons… sem zmanšu dozo na 2 kapljici Embarrassed pa je zaenkrat use uredu…
    … … …
    pa še to…
    zdej po parih dneh… pa se men tut že graužajo…Confused

    Tisti ki smo že dali skozi krvavi pot, smo te pač že vnaprej opozarjali, driska, vonj okus.. Wink ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page. no saj če ne verjameš, slej ko prej sam izkusiš.. Dead

    Drugač pa, ti kar z MMS naredi kuro tako kot treba, čist po reglcih, pa te MMS2 ne bo več zanimal.. LOL ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.


    Lepo je če deliš

    “Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”


    glas wrote:

    čaw lubčki…

    Tisti ki smo že dali skozi krvavi pot, smo te pač že vnaprej opozarjali, driska, vonj okus..

    to je, k da bi reku, da je brez veze na morje hodit…
    ker so bli tam že drugi in so powedal, da je fajn Embarrassed

    sej če sm pošten, mi je ušeč, da se kej dogaja… usaj vem, da ima nek efekt…
    pa še neki…
    če pozabiš na to mešanico in pustiš namest cca 3 minutke ene 10 minut… pol šele smrdi…

    a kej veš, kateri so tisti sokovi brez c vitamina… mislim… točno znamka…
    ker pomoje bom jest tut kr zjutrej namešou za cel dan… pa u ženski torbici s sabo nosu… u unem predalu k je manenjen za koruzo LOL

    Lepo je če deliš

    A ni zgaga znak nacete zelodcne sluznice?

    Lepo je če deliš

    Ceres wrote: A ni zgaga znak nacete zelodcne sluznice?

    pojma nimam…
    vem pa, da nekatere peče, če česen samo vidijo…
    kar mi uzbuja sum o taki čudežnosti česna…
    tale tut nekje pljuva po njem…

    Lepo je če deliš

    Ceres wrote: A ni zgaga znak nacete zelodcne sluznice?

    Ja lahko ….
    Preveč kisline …Smile
    Ponavadi je to takrat , ko jemo preveč mastno hrano…sladkor …
    Kar je po nei strani logično.
    Kislina želodčna uhaja v požiralnik ..
    Pnavadi se takrat pije donat .ali pa soda bikarbono ..da kislino nevtralizira …in se nam potem fajn kupček podre LOL
    Zakaj pa točno se to dogaja pa še niso ugotovili, zakaj se nam spahuje , se pravi ta močna želodčna kislina uhaja v požiralnik.

    Točna definicija:
    Zgaga je pekoča bolečina v zgornjem delu trebuha
    (žlička), ki se lahko širi navzgor za prsnico. Ponavadi se pojavi po
    jedi ali med ležanjem na hrbtu.Tongue

    To mimo grede….

    se mi pa tud približno sanja zakaj te ljudi tukaj začne zgaga peči …
    glede na to da mene npr. tud začne v želodcu peči če pojem preveč kisa , al pa kakšnih kislih sokov ..s citronsko kislino.
    Čist izkušnja ….

    Lepo je če deliš

    Dear reader,

    Jim Humble NEWSLETTER #100

    In Dubai, one case of leukemia was cured in one week with the new MMS/CDS. In U.S.
    one case of diabetes stabilized at sugar reading of 72 in two days with the new MMS/CDS

    This is a very important Newsletter.
    Please read it

    I want to tell
    you a little about our seminar that just ended on 23/11/2011. Several
    interesting things came up. Mainly, I want to tell you about the new CDS
    (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) that we are now beginning to

    Probably we will never stop using MMS1 but this new MMS/CDS, or just CDS has some
    distinct advantages over the MMS1:

    The bad taste is gone. There is a slight taste left, but
    absolutely anyone can handle it. The acid has been completely removed
    from the MMS/CDS dose. It is now just distilled water and chlorine
    which has no acid. This means the thousands of people who have acid
    problems with MMS will no longer have the acid problem.

    Injections: well, don’t do this yet, but we, our staff, all have tried
    successfully and they have been tried in 800 cows for 3 months. We just
    need more time to check out exactly how to do it right. Please
    don’t do it yet.

    Intravenous injection has now been tried successfully, and
    it saved a life, but we do not yet have enough data to recommend it for
    that purpose. I am sure that eventually it will be safe. Please
    don’t do it yet.

    Much stronger doses can probably be used, because there is
    less herxheimer (nausea) reaction. I assume this is because there is no
    acid in the dose to react with the poisons created by the dead
    pathogens. We
    need more time to check this out but I believe this will result in
    overcoming some diseases faster than with the present doses.

    5) Since there is no acid, the spray for skin can be several times more intense and thus heal skin
    problems faster.

    6) Once you have prepared the CDS bottle, it is ready to use. You
    no longer have to mix two solutions. Just mix the CDS with water or juice.

    Kerri Rivera
    came to this seminar to present the protocol she is using to treat
    children. So far 18 children have completely recovered from autism while
    their mothers were working with Kerri. She is helping more than a
    families with autism in their children, using MMS and other things. 18
    children are completely healed already and every single family has seen
    positive results.

    In fact, a great deal of improvement is noticeable in 99% of the cases. KERRI

    The new CDS
    (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) was introduced at this seminar. The students
    inadvertently became research participants. The wrong type of tubing was
    used in the demonstration of how to make CDS and a number of students
    extremely surprised when the faulty tubing welded shut causing several
    loud bangs. Of course, we learned what tubing not to use, and the
    was a success after lunch. We made 10 bottles of CDS. Everyone took

    As I have
    mentioned our main push at this time is to document 1000 healed cases of
    malaria in Africa and other parts of the world, with before and after
    blood tests. Bishop Mark and and Rev. Dr. Jonathan are presently doing
    that. This may not be as difficult as it sounds because we can use test
    strips to test the blood for the malaria parasite. We will have
    that are completed and sworn by our team for each malaria victim. The
    affidavit will include both before and after tests plus the malaria
    victim’s personal affidavit. All affidavits will also have two
    witnesses who are not a part of our team. We are not particularly trying
    prove this to medical doctors or even science. They don’t want the
    proof. No, we are out to prove it to the world. We want to prove it to
    the people, not the money grabbing criminals.

    Now let me
    tell you something important: Most of the new seminar students agreed as
    those earlier 240 students have agreed that they came here not just to
    learn MMS, but because they simply had to come. Something lead them
    95% of our students have said it. I haven’t said much before, other than
    to mention it once or twice, but let me mention it now. I didn’t
    tell this to the students, they came to me and told me this. They said,
    in one way or another, two things, one was that they thought learning
    MMS was
    important, but the real reason they came was because they had to come,
    that they were lead here and couldn’t say no. Secondly, they said that
    they believe that we all have been together somewhere on some planet a
    long, long time ago. Now how can you beat that? I was going to tell
    them, but
    for the most part they told me. Now how can that be, people who I never
    heard of before from 60 different countries of the world, came and said
    same thing to me?

    Of course, I
    believe it to be true. I have believed it all my life and I knew we
    would be working together to help save mankind from his own brutality.
    If we don’t do this, and mankind doesn’t work with us, the
    brutality will eventually destroy Earth and all of mankind. That
    includes us too as we are a part of mankind. Mankind has destroyed more
    people in the
    20th Century than all the centuries before, and for thousands of years
    the brutality has never wavered. Do you see? Something has got to be

    Now that we
    have mentioned all of this I want to ask a big favor of you, or more
    importantly, I want to ask you all to begin very slowly to take part, to
    begin to do your part. We need your help to succeed in saving the world
    the brutality that now exists and has existed for millenniums. It is
    going to take all of us; all of the Ministers and Doctors who came here,
    and were
    trained, and who have gone back to their respective countries. We need
    all of you.

    One thing
    that you might do for us now where you are, would be to find someone
    that you could convince that they should come here. We need 15 students
    each month just to break even. We have a payroll of 15 people. Although
    that is at local wages, by the time we pay for electrical power, feed
    the students, buy the gas, buy the diesel, pay for internet, keep
    air-conditioning repaired, and all the other expenses, if we don’t have
    at least 15 paying students we go into the hole. The revenue is
    essential but more importantly, the world needs these students more than
    anything else. We have been struggling to move forward but we are
    So far the money seems to show up, but we do need your help.

    student you send here has the possibility of saving thousands of people
    suffering and premature death. There is probably nothing you could do
    that would be more valuable than being responsible for making another
    Minister and Doctor. No doubt you are helping those near you, but, do
    you understand that when you send one person here that person will be
    our territory of treating and saving people from suffering the rest of
    their life? By sending a new student you will be in truth helping
    hundreds, or more than likely thousands of those to come, and probably
    many after you are gone will still feel the effects of your work.

    You are
    probably thinking right now, religions have said similar things for
    thousands of years. But we are not a religion; we are a church.
    Religions are working for God. We are working for the people. We are
    working for
    mankind. Let me assure you of what you already know, there is nothing
    else anywhere on Earth that you could do that would be as important as
    people here to be trained at this time. With your help, we will save the

    I know that a
    lot of you may think that is silly for me to say, “ save the
    world”. But let me say it anyway. We have that chance, and we are the
    only ones who have, in fact, ever had that chance down through
    time. The religions have never had the chance, the politicians haven’t,
    the various governmental philosophies, such as communism and democracy,
    haven’t, modern science hasn’t, medical science would never try. I am
    sorry that a lot of religions and people have said “save
    the world”, and preached that, when it was never true. But you and I
    know that this time it is true for us. Who else on Earth has saved
    of thousands of lives so far, or for that matter who has ever done that
    all down through time. What could be more important than what we are

    There has
    been a lot of data on the internet telling about the terrible things
    have happened and are happening. Really, it’s not anything new. Many
    people, preachers, evangelists, philosophers and sites tell of the
    things happening and of terrible things to come, but we are not part of
    that, and we are the only ones with a working plan to change things.

    Well, there
    are a lot of plans out there, and some seem like they are actually
    working. I am not against any of them. I’m on their side, and if they
    are really doing anything other than talking and selling their products I
    really am on their side. AT THIS TIME THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN
    TRAINING. Because we are doing something everyday, and no MMS trained
    person (Minister) can keep from helping people. It just happens. And now
    this seminar, we have 277 Ministers.

    One more
    thing I wanted to tell you about. We now have lawful protection for all
    our Ministers and Doctors. There is not space enough to tell you how it
    works, that will come later, but any Minister can email or call and
    us about any legal problem they are facing and we will provide help. We
    have staff members who will write all the legal briefs they need to
    them in any court. They should never hire a lawyer and we will see that
    they are safe from prosecution. This alone could be worth hundreds of
    thousands of dollars in some cases. The service is free for our

    Let’s all
    make this plan work. Remember, talking is free and the more you talk
    in your area, the better the chances are of getting someone interested
    in coming here. Please talk, be active, and tell anyone who is sick,
    about us.
    We offer free email or phone advice, and anyone can come here from
    anywhere in the world. We charge only for lodging and food. Our MMS
    (Cleansing water and Sacraments) is free. And if you can’t afford to for
    pay lodging, that is free, too. Just let us know.

    Upcoming Seminars

    Dec 25th – January 4th 2012

    For more information about our seminar,
    please contact us at

    If you can’t come to a seminar,
    try the MMS Home Video Course.
    Please contact us at

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