M. Pogačnik – litopunktura
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Radiestezija › M. Pogačnik – litopunktura
- This topic has 21 odgovorov, 7 glasov, and was last updated 9 years, 1 months nazaj by
5. 10. 2011 ob 15:28 #11142
ParticipantČe grb izraža vse kar predstavlja slovenija ni obratno.
Voditelji so slika kolektivne zavesti naroda. Neumen narod ne more imeti pametnega voditelja.
Zoper vse dobro včasih nastopi tudi kaj slabega kar je značilno za polarnost delovanja na zemlji.
Jest sem kar ICB zakopal na vrt pa kao dela
.. če zna kdo kej zmerit po fotki nej to naredi zame.
Vedno znova vse po starem
6. 10. 2011 ob 23:09 #11149BAD-BOY
Participant7. 10. 2011 ob 0:02 #11151tadej pretner
ModeratorBAD-BOY wrote: Ah jaz sem za to, da se Pogačnika zažge na grmadi.
Čisto tako, za vsak slučaj.
Sicer je jasno, da se zajebavaš, vseeno pa se mi zdi razmeroma nenavadno, da se ob vseh teh linkih ne najde nihče, ki bi se vprašal – ali je sploh normalno, da besede tam nekega tipa, ki pravi, da ima neposreden stik z Bogom, na splošno folk tako resno jemlje, da pride pod vprašaj Pogačnikovo delo?
Konec koncev Pogačnika pozna velik del sveta, V Nemčiji zdravi cela mesta, predava po južni Ameriki …, kdo za hudiča pa sta Florjančič in njegova žena, da bi “morali” sedaj na osnovi njunih mnenj spraviti pod vprašaj Pogačnikovo delo? Ampak to se je zgodilo. Za to pa gre velika zasluga senzacij lačnim medijem (če se le da, sesuti uspenega). Ampak naša družba je trenutno pač takšna. Dokler bodo senzacionalistične Slovenske novice naš najbolj tiražni cajtng, se bodo seveda takšne stvari dogajale.7. 10. 2011 ob 14:15 #11156strelka
ParticipantNo ja ..kakšen pa tud za Pogačnika prvič sliši …
seveda če ne bere Auro pa kakšnih takih ….časopisov …
Gledajo pa Tv …..in tam je bila oddaja ….se mi zdi Tednik ….kjer so jo gledali ljudje vseh profilov …tud čist navadni preprosti ljudje ….
jaz za tega Florjančiča prvič slišim ….….se pa spomnim oddaje, ko je bilo govora o teh zadevah …govora o litopunkturah ..tam nekje na primorskem.
Zdaj če prebereš Pogačnikovo pismo Florjančiču, njegov odgovor …na njegovi strani podan link…pač se vidi …
Pogačnikova zadeva se ne da izmerit ….in je umetniško delo …..
Torej ..jaz osebno teh kozmogramov ne poznam …ne vem delovanja …
In če mi nekdo z meritvami …ki so tudi del alternative ….se meri aura pa tako naprej …ne mislim nihala, ki ti če ne znaš pokaže tisto kar želiš ne pa tisto kar je res….in če so ti rezultati takšni …se morem zdaj odločit ….
od posameznika je pa odvisno ..komu bo zaupal, človeku ali napravi ….je to to ali ne …
torej ljudje so zmedeni ..če se še vi med sabo ne morte zmenit …kaj je dobro in kaj ne …Pa še Ozelot ….ja ….ok …so temne pa svetle stvari v življenju ….
In se uravnavajo čist naravno …če so naravno ustvarjene …
če so pa umetno ustvarjene jih pa narava bolj težko uravnava ….
Tko tud te tvoje napravce …Pa ne vem no …al pol Ozelot …je cel svet neumen ….
strelka2011-10-07 14:49:55
4. 11. 2011 ob 17:43 #11678kapela
ČlanMeni se pa zdi, da je M.P. postavljal kamne že pred 4000 leti na škotsdkem otoku.
Calanais (Callanish I)
Stone circle and rows
Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides
This site dates from about 1800 BC, but precise dates and proven functions have been hard to establish. Callanish I consists of a 13.1 x 11.3m (43 x 37 ft) circle of 13 tall slender Lewisian gneiss stones. In the middle is another stone, the tallest of all (4.75m/15 ft 6 in). Four incomplete avenues lead away, with single rows of stones to the east, south and west, and a double row just east of north. Had all the rows been completed, their axial alignments would have converged at the centre stone.
Inside the circle are the remains of a chambered round cairn of Neolithic type, but archaeologists are undecided whether this was built before or after the stone circle and stone rows. Professor Alexander Thom finds that looking south along the line of the stone avenue gives the point at which midsummer full moon sets behind Clisham.
In the same area there are several other stone circles, like Cnoc Ceann a’Gharaidh (Callanish II), Cnoc Filibhir Bheag (Callanish III) and Ceann Hulavig (Callanish IV).
Local tradition explains the presence of these stones by saying that when giants of old who then lived on the island refused to be Christianed, St.Kieran turned them to stone. Another local belief of this Gaelic-speaking community was that when the sun rose on midsummer morn, the ‘shining one’ walked along the stone avenue, his arrival heralded by the cuckoo’s call. This could be a remnant of the astronomical significance of the Callanish stones.
How to find: The stones are in the village of Callanish on the west coast of Lewis, and are signposted off the A858. The site is in state care.
Best time of year to visit: Equinox sunsets ; lunar major standstill ; any clear night.
This is a wonderful and awe-inspiring stone monument, undoubtedly the most famous prehistoric site in Scotland. It stands on a rise and is visible from a wide area around, paticularly when picked out by the shifting rays of sunlight through the broken cloud of a Lewis summer sky. Visitor numbers are now such that a path has been laid around the perimeter of the site by Historic Scotland to lessen the damage to the interior of the avenue and circle.
Callanish has now become a focus again for visits at the summer solstice, by those perhaps hoping to see the ‘shining one’ who according to local legend walks up the avenue on the midsummer dawn. These visits are the continuation of a Lewis tradition (carried on in spite of the church’s opposition) which also saw the stones attended on May day.
The stones, of Lewisian gneiss, were buried in peat up to about the height of an adult before they were cleared in the year 1857. There are several elements to the site. A ring of large stones about 12 metres in diameter encloses a huge monolith at its centre. Also in the middle of the ring are the remains of a chambered cairn, revealed when the peat was cut away. As the cairn appears to have been added to the circle, and chambered cairns are considered to be Neolithic in date, it seems clear that the site in general is also Neolithic. (Standing stones and stone circles elsewhere are often stated to be Bronze age, but without dating or stratigraphical evidence. Some are just as likely to be of stone age date).
Running north from the stone circle are two parallel lines of stones forming an avenue about 80 metres long. There are now 19 stones in the avenue. Any visitor entering the site from the north will feel impelled to walk up this avenue to the circle, although this is now discouraged.
Also running from the circle are single lines of stones to the east (4 stones), west (4) and south (6). In plan, the site has the form of a cross.
4. 11. 2011 ob 17:45 #11679kapela
Član4. 11. 2011 ob 17:47 #11680kapela
Član -
- Za objavo odgovora morate biti prijavljeni.