Čustva in čustvena stabilnost
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- This topic has 30 odgovorov, 6 glasov, and was last updated 8 years, 4 months nazaj by tadej pretner.
16. 9. 2016 ob 13:06 #62000EquanimityParticipant
Pozdravljeni forumovci,
V zadnjem času sem dosti razmišljal o čustvih in čustveni stabilnosti, zato odpiram to temo, da malo podebatiramo :)
Torej, čustva so duševni procesi, ki jih doživljamo kot naš odnos do okolja in soljudi, lahko bi tudi rekli, da so čustva reakcije našega telesa na naš um. Delimo jih na pozitivna in negativna, na močna in šibka, čustva spremljajo fiziološke (telesne) reakcije itd. To so dejstva s področja psihologije, dilema pa nastopi, ko se vprašamo vprašanja kot so: Kakšen je naš odnos do čustev? Kako vrednotimo čustva in čustvovanje? Kaj je čustvena stabilnost? Sam čustva vidim kot pomembno sestavino našega vsakdanjega življenja, zlasti pozitivna čustva, saj menim da je vsakršna oblika pozitivnosti univerzalna in dobra sama po sebi dokler smo zmerni in prizemljeni, vsak ekstrem pa vidim kot nekaj kar že meji na negativnost in to po mojem velja tudi za čustva. Rekel bi, da nas čustva delajo bolj žive in prisotne v sedanjosti, pri čemer spet izpostavljam pozitivna čustva, poraja pa se vprašanje kaj pa negativna čustva? Imajo svojo funkcijo? So smiselna? Nas žalost notranje očisti? Nas strah varuje pred nevarnostjo? Sam menim, da so pozitivna čustva nad negativnimi in da je potrebno negativna čustva preseči. Tipičen primer sta jeza in sovraštvo, katerih gojenje je po mojem osebnem načelu nesmiselno in ju je potrebno preobraziti v ljubezen in sočutje. Nekateri menijo, da je doživljanje čustev popolnoma nesmiselno, češ da ko doživljamo čustva nismo učinkoviti in ne delujemo tako kot je najboljše za vse in bi si morali čustva odpuščati ter biti popolnoma racionalni. Pri odločitvah osebno res dajem prednost razumu, sicer pa se z eliminacijo vseh čustev ne strinjam, saj menim, da je človek čustveno bitje in kakršnokoli zatiranje/”odpuščanje” čustev ne bo obrodilo sadov, bi pa ob tem ponovno izpostavil zmernost in prizemljenost pri vsakem čustvovanju. V okviru tega vidim tudi čustveno stabilnost – da smo zmerni in prizemljeni in da nas čustva ne vržejo iz notranjega ravnovesja ter da ne nihamo iz enega ekstrema v drugega (iz ekstremno pozitivnih v ekstremno negativna čustva in obratno).
Vabljeni k sodelovanju in prijetno čustvovanje želim ;)
Lep pozdrav
16. 9. 2016 ob 15:05 #62001snowcat :)ParticipantBom dala par zanimivih info (vezano na to, da človek domneva, da se odloča racionalno ha-ha-ha-ha):
…….According to Neuroscientists such as Antonio Damasio (Ogden:2006), humans are designed to automatically respond to incoming sensory information from our environment with relatively stable action and behaviour patterns. One function of mind is to inhibit, organise, and modulate these automatic responses, which helps to make us reliable and stable people to ourselves and others, and this is important for us to preserve our relationships with others from where depend on meaning, company, affirmation, protection and connection(Ogden:2006).
……..According to recent Neuroscience discoveries, our brain architecture sets us up for this problem based on our evolutionary design. Simply put we have a three layered brain or “Triune Brain”. The rear most and oldest part of the 3 layered brain is called the “Reptilian brain”, and has a primary role in managing the arousal machinery of the human condition. This brain then relates closely to the middle “limbic” brain which has a key function of emotional interpretation functions, and together they organise how us humans organise our responses to sensory stimulus, with all responses having a body involvement and movement component.(Siegel:2006).
It is these two brains that trauma is related, generated, and healed from, not the more recent frontal logical and rational brain lobes, which completes the three brain model. The three brain system importantly is now understood to “push” information forward from the body into the oldest Reptilian brain segment, then into the Limbic middle segment, and then forward to the Frontal rational brain. Neural pathways are dominantly laid down in this direction, and Seigel notes there are few Front brain neural connections feeding information the other way, that is backwards into the Limbic or Reptilian brains. This is why “talk therapies” have been a relative failure in dealing with trauma, notes (Kolk:2006).
……How trauma typically occurs is follows. The person via their senses comes into contact with an unsafe environment and/or object such as another person, and this activates their ANS into a Sympathetic state. The person tries to resolve the threat they face via the “fight or flight” state choices of “fight, flight or freeze”. The crucial factor in the formation of trauma is that the defences of “fight, flight, and freeze” simply did not work and the person was overcome with utter helplessness. The person can do nothing to influence the outcome of events. The ANS is overwhelmed by this failed response and the human condition then seems to dissolve at this point into a complete collapse and instinctual feeling of impending death(Van Der Hart:1989). The primary emotions we all come equipped with, such as fear, anger, disgust, grief, which communicate others to back off, protect us, or avoid us, do not produce the results they were designed for. The victim does not regain safety and decomposes and may fragment(Levine:1996). Some victims dissociate or “split off” from their bodies, others collapse into shock, others lose bodily control and function to varying degrees.
An analogy here is it is like your computer “locking up” and needing a reboot in order to function again. Trauma is like this. The operating systems of the Body-Mind, like the computer, get compromised, corrupted and a freeze or lockup ensures. Unfortunately humans do not reboot like computers do. What happens is that the Amygdala and Hippocampus parts of the middle or limbic brain seem to register the event in a damaged way into the sensory and interpretive reptilian and limbic brain systems(Ogden:2006). As a result, the person will not function the same after the trauma event.
Kolk(2006) notes that traumatised persons often lose the capacity to utilise their emotions as guides for effective action. The logic seems to be the Body-Mind saw in the trauma that the victims emotions did not produce the desired effect during the trauma, and now afterwards, when the same emotions get activated, a disconnection is triggered so the person no longer can verbally identify with the meaning of physical sensations and muscular activation, both from an awareness, a naming, and regulation perspective. This medical condition is called Alexithymia, and is a trauma related condition. Sufferers will be literally out of touch with their own embodied states of being, as well as their own needs as well as the needs of others. This is why trauma sufferers are often seen to be unable to gauge and modulate their own internal states, and either go into chaotic collapse or lash out in response to minor irritations that life presents us all.
At the same time the trauma process seems to create a fixed, rigid, almost mechanical response to dealing with subsequent types of environmental stimulus that mimic some aspect of the original trauma environment or abusing object.(Levine:1996). There is evidence that the particular rigid response continually retaken after an initial trauma event occurs, seems to be the response that was unsuccessfully being taken when the trauma occurred. The French psychiatrist and behaviourist Pierre Janet noted in the Victorian era that “traumatised patients are continuing the action, or rather the attempt at the action, which began when the trauma happened, and they exhaust themselves in these everlasting recommencements”. The traumatised individual reacts to minor triggers that their now hyper-aroused and hyper vigilant body-mind encounters and which leads to reactions and emotions that may be out of context, humiliating and shaming for the traumatised person, and others on the receiving end of their outburst. Over time these uncontrollable outbursts or collapses take their toll on the person, their family, work colleagues and friends.
In this process the “front brain” simply “does not show up”. Trauma and subsequent trauma replays are not under conscious control(Ogden:2006), and cognitive and rational emotional therapy or coaching techniques do not get initiated in these episodes. The person “regresses”, is not in present time, and lives from past replayed images and frozen emotional states, notes Reich(1970)
16. 9. 2016 ob 17:54 #62002ozelotParticipant16. 9. 2016 ob 18:12 #62004EquanimityParticipant16. 9. 2016 ob 18:51 #62005ozelotParticipantJa kar je za števcem je druga stvar.
Čustva so odziv posameznika na znanje ki ga nosi v sebi o neki stvari.
Primer. Otrok se rad igra s žogo. Ko mu jo podariš je vesel, torej ima pozitiven čustven odziv saj ve da se bo lahko s žogo igral. Drugemu otroku podariš žogo in je ne mara ali se je ustraši. Ima negativen čustven odziv saj ve da ko jo je videl prvič je bilo ko mu je priletela v glavo z vso silo.
Če človek o nečemu ničesar ne ve potem nima čustvenega odziva ko to pride v njegovo polje pozornosti.
Če jest tebi rečem “ngutuk” ti nimaš čustvenega odziva ker neveš kaj to pomeni razen če te beseda spominja na kaj. Če ti povem da v javanščini pomeni bodi preklet imaš negativen čustven odziv če si povprečen slovenec.
Torej če o neki stvari zamenjaš svoje prepričanje, znanje se bojo menjal tudi čustva ki jih doživljaš ob njej.
Vedno znova vse po starem
17. 9. 2016 ob 9:27 #62007EquanimityParticipantSe strinjam da so naša čustva odvisna od našega znanja in prepričanj, vendar menim, da je čustvovanje v veliki meri odvisno tudi od naše notranje naravnanosti in moralnih vrednot. Če smo recimo naravnani na pozitivnost, ne bomo gojili čustev, kot sta jeza in sovraštvo, temveč jih bomo preobrazili v ljubezen in sočutje, pozitivnost pa vidim kot dobro samo po sebi in nad negativnostjo. Pozitivnost namreč temelji na Morali, ki pa jo vidim kot univerzalno.
Ob tisti primerjavi s števcem pa dobim asociacijo na robote. Roboti imajo števce, stikala, potenciometre in podobno. Smo roboti ali morda nekaj več?
17. 9. 2016 ob 10:38 #62008ozelotParticipantDa nisi ti kaka cerkvena miš slučajno? :) Jezo preobraziš v pozitivno čustvo samo tako da jo sprejmeš in sebe kot jezneža al kako naj rečem. Veš ljubezni pun k**** sočutja pa še bolj poln. To so nevarna čustva in so samo za pametne. Moralne vrednote so balast nič drugega. Kaj pa pravzaprav pomeni gojiti čustvo? Jeza je trenutna eksplozija energije in ni z njo nič narobe…narobe je takrat ko začneš iz tega delat zgodbo in se jeziš v nedogled.
Glede števca…če se vsedeš na vroč štedilnik ti je bolečina števec ki kaže koliko je vroče. Si mar robot da zaznavaš večjo ali manjšo bolečino? Čustva so tudi bolj ali manj intenzivna.
Vedno znova vse po starem
- Za objavo odgovora morate biti prijavljeni.