Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Duhovna rast › 2012 –>
Nov datum, nove špekulacije, mediji že širijo paniko, vsak seveda v čisto svojo smer, kaj se dogaja in kaj se bo zgodilo..
(petek) 13. April 2036, prihajamo..
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
sej nebo treba tolko časa čakat
No one knows when the mass sighting is going to be but it will be before 2017a 100% guaranteed, according to the yayhel channeled by Darryl.
Bashar said there was the highest prob. in march a few months ago according to someone on the Bashar facebook fan page, but he wasn’t willing to share the audio file but I belief him.
posnel je tudi film
O resnični organiziranosti Vesolja, o 9-ih valih kreacije in vtisnjenosti števila 9 v vsa pomembna učenja, o unikatnosti sedanjega časa ko so aktivirani vsi vali hkrati, usklajevanje z zadnjim valom kreacije..
“The Nine Waves of Creation presents a speculative cosmology supported by the recent discovery that galaxies in the universe are not located randomly, but ordered in a way that radically challenges previous cosmological assumptions. If Calleman’s ideas — which are refreshingly wild but rationally argued — are even partially correct, today’s assumptions about the nature of evolution and the evolution of nature will need to be reconsidered.”
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
ja zdej enkrat naj bi v arizoni spet prišli…tisti ki so bli že v phoenixu leta 1997 (phoenix light’s)
Če bo Phoenix zopet priletel kdaj nazaj v Arizono, bo pa to res dogodek in pol ja..
Heh, ali o čemu je govora?
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
Tile v Nemčiji nekaj merijo.. poglej graf.. a čuti kdo kaj?
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”