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V teh gnostičnih diagramih, ki jih je za videti na linkih ki si jih podal zgoraj je Leviatan pojmovan kot duša sveta (by one circle which is said to be the world-soul and is called Leviathan).. – ophite diagram
V nadaljevanju Demiurga pozicionirajo pa kot Boga od Mojzesa..
(”The “seal” is that of the one who imposes it, who is called Father, the one sealed is called Youth and Son, and he responds, “I have been anointed with the white chrism from the tree of life”.
There are seven angels, who delivered the seal; they stand on both sides of the soul set it free from the body; and there are other angels of light who are called Archontics. The Archon of the so-called Archontics is the accursed god of the Jews, who makes rain and thunder.
He is the Demiurge of this world, the God of Moses described in his creation narrative.”)
Drugače če kdo pozna sveto pismo je jasno zaznati da bog stare zaveze ni isti bogu nove zaveze in da dejansko tisti ki se Mojzesu izdaja za boga ni ravno bog ampak neko bitje, sicer iz višjih dimenzij, ki se malo igra pač boga.. To bitje je zato ”maščevalni bog”, to bitje je ”ljubosumni bog” itd itd, (to niso opisi drugih) s temi besedami opisuje ta ”bog” sam sebe,..
Veliko bitij, ki deluje tam nekje med 5. dimenzijo se ljudem zna predstavljati kot ”bog” ker za neka 3D bitja lahko tudi igrajo ”to vlogo”,..
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”