Reply To: zdravilne rastline
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Zdrava prehrana › zdravilne rastline › Reply To: zdravilne rastline

ozelot wrote: Črna kumina.
Nigella Sativa Kills 89% of Lung Cancer Cells in Vitro: Researchers have just shown that nigella sativa (also known as black seed or black cumin) seed oil kills up to 89% of human lung cancer cells (A-549) after just 24 hours, while a non-oil extract from the seeds killed up to 77% of the cancer cells. The extracts were prepared from seeds obtained at a local market. Nigella sativa is a powerful medicinal herb which has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, Unani and Arabic medicine. It is best known for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and has been used to suppress coughs, treat kidney stones, diarrhea and stomach pain. But modern science has now also uncovered nigella’s powerful anti-diabetes and anti-cancer effects. This super herb has already shown potent activity against cancer of the breast, prostate, kidney, pancreas, liver, colon and cervix in previous lab studies, and this new study has shown new activity against lung cancer. Good health and cancer prevention should always start with a well-balanced diet focused on organic vegetables, fruit and whole foods (consuming at least half in the raw state). But nigella sativa may offer sizeable benefits for those wanting an extra measure of protection.
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”