Reply To: Vpliv glasbe na rast marjetic
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Takole da naredim malo reklame za novi album od Marduka…
Jaz ga že imam, sem ga že tudi preiskusil in moje mnenje je, da je odličen in pred kratkim je prišel na intrnet v celoti, zato sem se odločil, da vam malo predstavim…
Strelka tebi ne bo to preveč všeč ampak splača se poslušat…
Sweden Black metal…
Tukaj je še lyric za to pesem če slučajno jih ne boste razumeli… No jaz si mislim, da jih boste…
Our mastema is vast – even in the house of God
Ever present – within and so without
Reversed life-force channeled
into prayers of blame
and fork-tongued glory
Guileless doctrine turned – into teachings
on how to love The Lie
on how to love The Lie
Psalms of venom – Slithering saints
Serpent Sermon – Serpent Sermon
Psalms of venom
Serpent Sermon – Serpent Sermon
Our mastema is great – even on the preacher’s tongue
Ever moving – above and so below
Reversed life-force channeled
into prayers of blame
and fork-tongued glory
Guileless doctrine turned – into teachings
on how to love The Lie
on how to love The Lie
Psalms of venom – Slithering saints
Serpent Sermon – Serpent Sermon
Psalms of venom
Serpent Sermon – Serpent Sermon
Our mastema runs deep – even in the veins of the Lamb
Ever active – within and so without
nekdodrug2012-06-08 18:19:23