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glas wrote:
še nekaj o sončnih izbruhih
>Notice the change in the Magnetosphere’s reaction to the recent X and M flares. These waves of light are different – they cannot be measured by traditional electro-magnetic standards. The KP index doesn’t show the usual impact of a typical CME or flare activity – for days and days now. It looks like the chart is broken after watching the impact of past flares. So what is this?<
Zanimivo ja, da zadnje čase izbruhi niso več vidni na NASA grafu??!
Ali NASA ka muti spet.. kar je čist možno!!! Mogoče sami modulirajo prikaz solarnih neviht (beri: prikrivajo aktivnost Sonca), da bi prikrili magnetni obrat polov na Soncu??!
Ali pa obstaja kak čist duhovni razlog, da so energije ki se emitirajo res na čist drugih ravneh, več nezaznavne za NASA senzorje, kar bi lahko pomenilo, da vse skupaj poteka bolj v 4D že.. ti dve opciji jaz vidim.. ker občim masam ti itak že do zdaj ni bilo zanimivo to dogajanje..
Me zanimima, če bo današnja X nevihta vidna na senzorjih čez 2 dni??
Major X-Class Solar Flare – November 8, 2013
This sunspot has a signature: It tends to produce very brief flares. The X1-flare was no exception as it lasted barely a minute. Brevity mitigates Earth-effects, so this intense flare was not strongly geoeffective–at least, not at first. The explosion also hurled a CME into space: movie. The cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field on Nov. 10-11, possibly sparking polar geomagnetic storms.
More eruptions are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-class solar flares and a 20% chance of X-flares on Nov. 8th