Reply To: OSHO
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Duhovna rast › OSHO › Reply To: OSHO
21. 7. 2014 ob 20:04
Osho advocated meditation for everyone, but his technique was revolutionary, beginning not with stillness and silence but with violent activity to release pent-up energy and emotions, leading to a state of calmness in which meditation can flourish. …This is an ideal place for people to learn the dozens of meditations he designed. There’s swimming meditation, dancing and martial arts meditation, smoking meditation, walking meditation, breathing meditation and meditation for couples.” The Washington Post |
In še nekaj….
V Oshovih knjigah ni zgodb (kot npr. Alkimist, ki mene ni potegnu), mogoče tu pa tam kakšna smešna anekdota za lažjo predstavo (predvsem dialogi med možem in ženo
)… Vsebina Oshovih knjig so v bistvu njegova ‘predavanja’ pred občinstvom (sam jih ni imel za predavanja…), zelo berljive torej…