Odgovori na: OD KOD MOJE MISLI?
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Duhovna rast › OD KOD MOJE MISLI? › Odgovori na: OD KOD MOJE MISLI?
Sam če je to res kar praviš od kod potem nekomu tako vesoljska prepričanja? Zadnč sem na enmu forumu vprašal od kje naša prepričanja in kaj bi bil človek brez svojih prepričanj in odgovor je bil sledeč:
jest: If our reality is based on our beliefs what are beliefs based on? Why is so easy to believe in some things and hard to believe in other things? When, why do we download our beliefs and from where? What are beliefs? What would we be without beliefs?
on:Beliefs are based on energy.. that law of attraction.. emotions are magnetic and thoughts are electrical.. when you wrap them together you create a electromagnet.. also remember B has talked about how you build “core beliefs” and you can create strata’s of belief/energy off of those core principles
“You download your beliefs telepathically from your parents before age 3 or 5 do to conditional love..”
Če je kaj resnice v odgovoru od kje potem nekomu tako nevsakdanja prepričanja da govori kar “kanalizira”?
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