Reply To: Nova Doba
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Duhovna rast › Nova Doba › Reply To: Nova Doba
23. 12. 2012 ob 19:13

Bom potem komentiral ko bom vidu o čem se gre. Un pravi: Setting the ton for 2013.
“Beloved one, as we come together in this new consciousness and
set the tone for this, your new year of 2013, our intention is to set
the vibration out of the frequency of the #1 energy: New Beginnings.
This way you may have every opportunity that is possible in your new
world. How you step out of this day #1 of 2013 is of utmost importance
and will be like no other new year you have experienced. No matter when
your time will come to depart this reality, 2013 will be the first year
of the ‘Golden Age’ and will set the tone for your remaining time here
on the planet. Choose wisely beloved ones and remember that YOU and YOU
ALONE will decide what your new reality will be.
set the tone for this, your new year of 2013, our intention is to set
the vibration out of the frequency of the #1 energy: New Beginnings.
This way you may have every opportunity that is possible in your new
world. How you step out of this day #1 of 2013 is of utmost importance
and will be like no other new year you have experienced. No matter when
your time will come to depart this reality, 2013 will be the first year
of the ‘Golden Age’ and will set the tone for your remaining time here
on the planet. Choose wisely beloved ones and remember that YOU and YOU
ALONE will decide what your new reality will be.
With the deepest love and service to who you are,
Saint Germain”
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