Reply To: duhovno zdravljenje

Forum Duhovnost Forumi Zdravje in alternativna medicina duhovno zdravljenje Reply To: duhovno zdravljenje

snowcat :)

Lih danes sem gledala nekaj o TKM na nettu in tam dejansko piše, da :

,,….Traces of therapeutic activities in China date from the Shang dynasty (14th–11th centuries BCE).[6] Though the Shang did not have a concept of “medicine” as distinct from other fields,[6] their oracular inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells refer to illnesses that affected the Shang royal family: eye disorders, toothaches, bloated abdomen, etc.,[6][7] which Shang elites usually attributed to curses sent by their ancestors.[6] There is no evidence that the Shang nobility used herbal remedies.[6] According to a 2006 overview, the “Documentation of Chinese materia medica (CMM) dates back to around 1,100 BC when only dozens of drugs were first described. By the end of the 16th century, the number of drugs documented had reached close to 1,900. And by the end of the last century, published records of CMM have reached 12,800 drugs.”[8]….,,

….kaj se meni zdi fascinantno je ta porast zdravil od par zelišč, če sploh kaj, do danes milijone (??) zdravil. Tako, da nekako sklepam, da prej niso ZDRAVILI, so nekako živeli tako, da SO ZDRAVI. Fokus je bil na ZDRAVJU in ne na BOLEZNJI… bilo lekarne na vsakem vogalu….ni bilo anestezije….

Ok, drugi kot pogleda. Sama sem se odločila, da bom živela ogromno let, recimo 150 in več. Začela gledati različne pristope do vzdrževanja stanja zdravja ali proces prevence. Veste kaj je zanimivo ?? Da to ni v hrani, niti v telovadbi. Način razmišljanja/nerazmišljanja in odnosi (= udejanja miselnih procesov v realu do sebe, sveta, družbe). Namera zavestna/podzavestna (pogoje za manifestacijo). Edino merilo pa je ,,zadovoljen,, mir v fizičnem telesu. To je nekako to. Več in več mi je jasno, zakaj znanje o tem, kako trava raste, je nepomembno…


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