Reply To: Bradavice
Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Zdravje in alternativna medicina › Bradavice › Reply To: Bradavice
glas wrote:
Preizkusil sem MMS kapljice ja, zelo intenzivna in učinkovita stvar! Spuca baje VSE, še rakave celice…
Srebra nisem jemal, ker so kapljice bolj učinkovite in vzameš eno ali drugo.Poskusil pa sem še kolidni baker
in vsekakor koloidno zlato!Drugače pa imam vso razno literaturo jaz zbrano v SLOvenskem jeziku, če boš rabla

Sodium chlorite is a strong oxidant and can therefore be expected to cause clinical symptoms similar to the well known sodium chlorate: methemoglobinemia, hemolysis, renal failure[6]. A dose of 10-15 grams of sodium chlorate can be lethal.[7]. Methemoglobemia had been demonstrated in rats and cats [8] and recent studies by the EMEA have confirmed that the clinical symptomatology is very similar to the one caused by sodium chlorate in the rat, mouse, rabbit, and the green monkey. [9]
There is only one human case in the medical literature of chlorite poisoning.[10] It seems to confirm that the toxicity is equal to sodium chlorate. From the analogy with sodium chlorate, even small amounts of about 1 gram can be expected to cause nausea, vomiting and even life-threatening hemolysis in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficient persons.