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Missing links with Gregg Bradden:
The biggest questions concerning who we are, where we come from and where we are going, have captivated scientists and mystics for centuries. Gregg Braden connects the missing links between science and spirituality to complete our understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and our interconnectedness with all things.. ..
This is no ordinary time in the history of the world and in the history of our nation, of any nation, and in the history of the people of the world. We are living in an extraordinary time of change in the world around us, and that means our lives are changing in ways we simply have never seen before. How can we embrace this change in a healthy way? How can we find the resilience in our personal lives and in our communities to thrive in a healthy way in a time of extremes?
Gregg Bradde – Thriving in a time of extremes:
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”