Forum Duhovnost › Forumi › Duhovna rast › 2012 –> › Odgovori na: 2012 –>
O resnični organiziranosti Vesolja, o 9-ih valih kreacije in vtisnjenosti števila 9 v vsa pomembna učenja, o unikatnosti sedanjega časa ko so aktivirani vsi vali hkrati, usklajevanje z zadnjim valom kreacije..
“The Nine Waves of Creation presents a speculative cosmology supported by the recent discovery that galaxies in the universe are not located randomly, but ordered in a way that radically challenges previous cosmological assumptions. If Calleman’s ideas — which are refreshingly wild but rationally argued — are even partially correct, today’s assumptions about the nature of evolution and the evolution of nature will need to be reconsidered.”
“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”