Reply To: 2012 –>

Forum Duhovnost Forumi Duhovna rast 2012 –> Reply To: 2012 –>


Kar sem dobil od Diane Cooper na mail (sem na njenem newsletterju Tongue ):

(vse v angleščini):

Dear Friends,
It was anticipated that 22%
would ascend into the 5th dimension at the Cosmic Moment. In fact 31%
ascended from the 3rd and 4th dimensions into the 5th. 57% of animals
ascended into the 5th dimension and will guide us and radiate their wisdom
to us.
Source, the angels and masters are delighted.

It is
anticipated that people generally will feel happier. The light will
accelerate changes and we will move towards community more quickly so that
people can live together in harmony. Natural forms of medicine will
come forward and more people will be connected to the joy of nature rather
than things.

Trees, plants, animals, birds, fish will be
radiating higher frequencies. Stars, planets, the sun and moon are
sending higher frequency light to us. We are all being bathed and
enfolded in beautiful energy enabling our connection to the spiritual
worlds to strengthen. In places the Earth is starting to glow golden
and when you visit these places your gifts and wisdom are triggered.

People’s thoughts are becoming more harmonious and
attuned to the highest good and this will accelerate as the golden energy
becomes stronger. As more of us act for the highest good spiritual
technology will come forward.

When the leylines are pure and
clear water is absorbed into them deep underground at a fifth dimensional
level where it becomes light. Then it does not flood on the
surface. As a result of the cosmic moment more water will be 5D. This
will also highlight what needs to be worked on in individuals.

We the angels are so humbled by the
joy and light that was shared at the Cosmic Moment. With any new dawn
the light is a little hazy for a while, then brightness occurs, sometimes
so strongly it is hard to see the way without feeling your way. This
is what you are feeling or sensing now. Your eyes are adjusting to
the new light. It is familiar, yet new too. You are sensing
what to do and sometimes wishing you could return to that which is familiar
and at times old patterned behaviour will overwhelm you. Remember to
stop, breathe and ask for help, then wait for guidance before acting.
It won’t take too long for the adjustment to become clearer. It
is the most beautiful sight to see all the new buds starting to blossom all
over Earth and to see how Earth is responding by glowing gently surrounded
in this loving hug. Trust now as you commence the transition phase
and only look through eyes of love, laugh every day, sing, dance and be
joyous. You must be proud. You have made a difference.

On 242526 December every year, high frequency
cosmic energy pours down into the planet which is why Christmas Day was
chosen to be 25th December. This year following the Cosmic Moment you may
feel it even more strongly so it is really important to find a little quiet
time to absorb the special light and this can tip you into another
spiritual level and enable you to access more Christ light.

With angel blessings
Diana and Kathy

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