Reply To: 2012 –>

Forum Duhovnost Forumi Duhovna rast 2012 –> Reply To: 2012 –>

What You Can Expect at the 2012 Portal
Beloved Family of Light, contrary to what many others have said, we have always old you that the 2012 process would be carried through with the Intention of Peace and Grace, and without Disaster and Catastrophe on a Global Scale. And so indeed it Is!
You, as Awakened Family of Light, came here to serve this very Purpose of holding the Sacred Space of Peace and Love so that the Earth could enter into the New Dream of the New Earth without having to go trough the upheavals and traumas of destruction.
But we aks you to be aware, that there are many prophecies and “dreams” that suggest choas and fear, and it is necessary that you do not allow these to create an energy of anxiety and stress at this time. We ask you to turn away from fear and any who seek to create fear, and rather celebrate what has been achieved on your Earth and in the Galaxy!
You will pass through the 2012 Portal with the minimum of disturbance and with Joy!
Those who are “seasoned” Lightworkers and who are on the Ascension 2012 Teams, may indeed feel very tired, even to the point of exhaustion. You are holding the energy for the great change in your Light Body and in your Body. You are transmitting the New Light Codes day and night, so yes, you may feel very tired, but it will pass as you emerge on the “other side” of the Portal. Imagine that you are holding the spaceship steady as she transits the stargate, and that it is hard work, but yes indeed, Beloveds, it is worth it!
You may experience chaos in some way…chaotic dreams maybe…as the Collective Consciousness tries to deal with the Shift into Multi-Dimensional functioning. You may experience sleeplessness and anxiety and even a little depression and sadness as you deal with these energies, but focus on being within the Crystal Temple of the Heart, which is your own Sacred Space, and all will be Well!
Yes…it is the End! The End of the Old Earth of lower frequency, which is slowly disintegrating like an old and worn out dream. And it is the New Beginning of the New Earth…the New Dream of Peace, Love and Abundance!
So, until we meet again on the “other side”…We wih you a Joyous Celebration of the 2012 Portal and Welcome in the Multi-Dimensional New Earth!
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