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Filius Dei

Glede filma Samadhi:

Sri Ramakrishna, ki je bil sam pogosto v samadhi stanju, je govoril o različnih poteh do razsvetlenja. Pot spoznanja je zelo težka. Menil je, da je za to obdobje (kali yuga) najprimernejša pot predanosti (bakhti). Priznaval je osebnega in neosebnega Boga. Boga, ki je onkraj iluzije in Boga v vsem.

“I ask you to go beyond both knowledge and ignorance. The thorn of ignorance has pierced the sole of a man’s foot. He needs the thorn of knowledge to take it out. Afterwards he throws away both thorns. The Jnāni says, ‘This world is a “framework of illusion”.’ But he who is beyond both knowledge and ignorance describes it as a ‘mansion of mirth’. He sees that it is God Himself who has become the universe, all living beings, and the twenty-four cosmic principles.”

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