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This documentary gets inside the world of the most fearsome indians of
the Amazonia, the so called Korubo. The cameras will be able to shoot
for the first time the daily life of this secret Brazilian tribe. Feared
by the nearby tribes, they are known as “Head crashers” by the white
colonists because of their extraordinary ability to make use of huge
sticks. This tribe has suffered a real persecution for many years. Our
crew made a great effort to gain the confidence of these unpredictable
natives. An unplanned fact made easier the approach to the fearsome
tribe. The documentary will show how their queen Maiaá, who was
suffering malaria, could be saved by us. The gratitude allowed our
cameras to shoot their daily life including amazing moments such as the
electric fish hunt or enjoying the children’s games. A journey to the
heart of this people and their fight for survival.

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“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”